Monday, November 10, 2008

Loving Life

Do you love your life? If not, are you doing things to make it a life you love? How's that going?

A few years ago, I caught the end of the Oscars. Julia Roberts was presenting the award for Best Actor. Normally I don't watch Oscar and Grammy shows because they're long. I want the announcers to get to the point and say who won.

So Julia was listing the nominees. Clips of each actor's performance was shown, followed by a close up of each actor's anticipation. After Julia opened the envelope, she took a breath, pressed the envelope to her chest, and stated "I love my life. The winner for Best Actor is..."

It was Denzel Washington. Though I like Denzel, I was more fascinated by how Julia made the announcement. I liked that she was genuinely happy for him. I liked that she stated how she loved her life. I don't think she stated that because she makes lots of money (though I'm sure she's not sad about it!). I think she stated that because she was really happy that she got to do something she loved for a living. And that she was the one to present a friend with acting's highest award.

So do you love your life? At the end of the day, are you pleased with how things are going? Are you doing what you need to make it a life worth living/loving?

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